Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters
The Utah VOAD is the forum where organizations share knowledge and resources throughout the disaster cycle—preparation, response and recovery—to help disaster survivors and their communities.
Members of the Utah VOAD form a coalition of nonprofit organizations that respond to disasters as part of their overall mission:
American Red Crossā
From small house fires to multi-state natural disasters, the American Red Cross goes wherever we’re needed, so people can have clean water, safe shelter and hot meals when they need them most.
Provided Services:
Disaster Assessment
Agency Referrals
Emergency Lodging
Emergency Cash Assistance
Habitat for Humanityā
Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Habitat builds and rehabilitates simple, decent houses with the help of the homeowner (partner) families.
Provided Services:
Home repair (post muck out)
Repair materials
Volunteer Manpower
Appliance/Furniture replacement
Southern Baptist Disaster Reliefā
Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Habitat builds and rehabilitates simple, decent houses with the help of the homeowner (partner) families.
Provided Services:
Home repair (post muck out)
Repair materials
Volunteer Manpower
Appliance/Furniture replacement
Team Rubiconā
Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams.
Provided Services:
Damage Assessment
Debris Removal
Flood Mitigation (Muck out)
Expedient Home Repair
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saintsā
In partnership with other relief organizations, we strive to provide immediate emergency assistance around the world to victims of natural disasters, civil unrest, or famine.
Provided Services:
Emergency food
Emergency Clean up kits
Clothing Vouchers
Appliance/ Furniture vouchers
U Serve Utahā
The purpose of the Utah Commission on Service and Volunteerism is to enable individuals, communities, and organizations in Utah to benefit from the service, power, skills, and passion of volunteers.
Provided Services:
Volunteer & Donations Management
Corporation for National and Community Service Liaison
The Salvation Armyā
While every disaster is unique, the core of our disaster program consists of several basic services. And while these services address many of the typical needs of a disaster survivor, Salvation Army disaster relief is also flexible. Our services are adapted to the specific needs of individuals and communities, and are scalable according to the magnitude of the disaster.
Provided Services:
Emergency housing
Emergency Food
Emergency Clothing
Emotional Care
Spiritual Care
United Way / 2-1-1ā
2-1-1 provides people with ways to get help, and give help. By simply dialing 2-1-1, callers can connect to health and human resources they need, as well as find meaningful volunteer opportunities.
Provided Services:
Information resources
Agency Referrals
Utah Food Bankā
Utah Food Bank distributes food free-of-charge to a network of 141 partner agencies located throughout all 29 counties of our state.
Provided Services:
Childhood Hunger Program
Food Box Programs
Mobile Pantries
Grocery Rescue Program
Health and Medical Partners
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Program coordinates the skills of practicing and retired physicians, nurses and other health professionals as well as other citizens interested in health issues, who are eager to volunteer to address their community’s ongoing public health needs and to help their community during large-scale emergency situations.
The Salt Lake County Health Department offers an extensive list of services such as: Birth certificates, Health permits, Behavioral health services, Aging services and more.